XSLT <xsl:output> Element

Definition and Usage
The <xsl:output> element defines the format of the output document.
Note: <xsl:output> is a top-level element, and must appear as a child node of <xsl:stylesheet> or <xsl:transform>.
Attribute | Value | Description |
method | xml html text name |
Optional. Defines the output format. The default is XML
(but if the first child of the root node is <html> and there are no
preceding text nodes, then the default is HTML) Netscape 6 only supports "html" and "xml" |
version | string | Optional. Sets the W3C version number for the output format (only used with method="html" or method="xml") |
encoding | string | Optional. Sets the value of the encoding attribute in the output |
omit-xml-declaration | yes no |
Optional. "yes" specifies that the XML declaration (<?xml...?>) should be omitted in the output. "no" specifies that the XML declaration should be included in the output. The default is "no" |
standalone | yes no |
Optional. "yes" specifies that a standalone
declaration should occur in the output. "no" specifies that a
standalone declaration should not occur in the output. The default is "no"
This attribute is not supported by Netscape 6 |
doctype-public | string | Optional. Sets the value of the PUBLIC attribute of the DOCTYPE declaration in the output |
doctype-system | string | Optional. Sets the value of the SYSTEM attribute of the DOCTYPE declaration in the output |
cdata-section-elements | namelist | Optional. A white-space separated list of elements whose text contents should be written as CDATA sections |
indent | yes no |
Optional. "yes" indicates that the output should
be indented according to its hierarchic structure. "no" indicates that the
output should not be indented according to its hierarchic structure. This attribute is not supported by Netscape 6 |
media-type | string | Optional. Defines the MIME type of the output. The default
is "text/xml"
This attribute is not supported by Netscape 6 |
Example 1
The output in this example will be an XML document, version 1.0. The character encoding is set to "UTF-8" and the output will be indented for readability:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
Example 2
The output in this example will be an HTML document, version 4.0. The character encoding is set to "UTF-8" and the output will be indented for readability:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="html" version="4.0"
encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>