in progress...
Biography & Scientific Activity:
Maria Rita Scalas received the Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1974.
She is currently a Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems, University of Bologna, Italy.
From 1975 to 1979, she had a scholarship from the University of Pisa, Italy, to work in the field of operations research.
In 1980, she became Research Associate at the Faculty of Engineering in Bologna. From February 1986, for one year, she was Visiting Researcher at the IBM Scientific Center in Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, working in the Advanced Information Management (AIM) group.
In 1987, she became Associate Professor at the University of Trieste, and, in November 1991, she moved back to Bologna.
Her main research interests include relational databases, optimizers, relational operations, access structures, physical database design, performance and optimization, query languages and temporal databases. She partecipated in the Italian project ``INFORMATICA'', subproject DATAID, developing a secondary index database design tool. She took part in the European project ``PROMETHEUS'', subproject PRO-COM, where she developed a temporal language. She is currently involved in Temporal Database Design.