Paolo Ciaccia

Professor, Ph.D.

University of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2
40136 Bologna, Italy
: +39 051 20 93070
: +39 051 20 93540
: paolo.ciaccia[at]
More about me
Courses & Theses
Events & Service
since April 2, 2007


  • My current research interests mainly concern similarity and preference queries, both from the modeling and the algorithmic point of view. I'm also interested in techniques for efficiently and effectively retrieving, browsing and annotating image databases
  • In past years, together with Marco Patella and Pavel Zezula, I designed the M-tree, an access method able to index generic metric spaces
  • I coordinate the activity of the MultiMedia DataBase Group at DISI



Anno Accademico 2024-2025

A.A. precedenti

Ricevimento studenti: Mer, 16:00-17:00 c/o palazzina DISI (edificio giallo all'ingresso di via Vallescura)

Informazioni sulle tesi

PC membership
and other services

SISAP 2010 - 3rd International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, September 18-19, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. (PC co-chair)
PersDB 2010 - 4th International Workshop on Personalized Access, Profile Management, and Context Awareness in Databases, September 13, 2010, Singapore.
SEBD 2010 - 18th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, June 20-23, 2010, Rimini, Italy.
SISAP 2009 - 2nd International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications, August 29-30, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
SEBD 2009 - 17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, June 21 - 24, 2009, Camogli (Genova), Italy.
PersDB 2008 - 1st International Workshop on Personalized Access, Profile Management, and Context Awareness in Databases, August 23, 2008, Auckland, New Zealand.
SBBD 2008 - 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Databases, October 13-15, 2008, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
M-PREF 2008 - 4th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, July 13-14, 2008, Chicago, IL, USA (in conjunction with AAAI 2008).
SISAP 2008 - 1st International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications, April 11-12, 2008, Cancún, Mexico (co-located with ICDE 2008).
PersDL 2007
ENC 2007
SEBD 2006
Multidisciplinary ECAI-06 Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling
ADVIS 2006 (PC member and invited speaker)
PaRMa 2006
ENC 2006
SEBD 2005
ENC 2005 - Encuentro internacional de ciencias de la computación
Dagstuhl-Seminar 04271: Preferences: Specification, Inference, Applications (27/06/04 - 02/07/04)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Associate Editor 1999-2003)
ADVIS 2004
PaRMa'04 - From Data to Patterns: International Workshop on Pattern Representation and Management
ENC 2004 - Encuentro internacional de ciencias de la computación
DEXA 2003
SEBD 2002 (PC chair)
DEXA 2002
ADVIS 2002
SEBD 2001
DEXA 2001
ADVIS 2000
DEXA 2000
SEBD 2000
IWOSS'99 - International Workshop on Similarity Search (PC co-chair)