ADO BeginTransComplete, CommitTransComplete, and RollbackTransComplete Events

An event is a subroutine that can be called automatically after a specific operation has occurred.
- The BeginTransComplete event can be fired after a BeginTrans call is completed.
- The CommitTransComplete event can be fired after a CommitTrans call is completed.
- The RollbackTransComplete event can be fired after a RollbackTrans call is completed
BeginTransComplete translevel,objerror,status,objconn
CommitTransComplete objerror,status,objconn
RollbackTransComplete objerror,status,objconn
Parameter | Description |
translevel | The transaction level of the BeginTrans method that fired the event |
objerror | An Error object that contains the errors that occurred
Note: The EventStatusEnum value must be set to adStatusErrorsOccurred to create the Error object |
status | Specifies the status of the execution of an event. Takes an EventStatusEnum value |
objconn | The Connection object that fired the event |
EventStatusEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adStatusOK | 1 | The operation that fired the event was successful |
adStatusErrorsOccurred | 2 | The operation that fired the event failed |
adStatusCantDeny | 3 | Cannot cancel the pending operation |
adStatusCancel | 4 | Cancels the operation that fired the event |
adStatusUnwantedEvent | 5 | Prevents subsequent notifications before the event method has finished executing |