ADO EndOfRecordset Event

An event is a subroutine that can be called automatically after a specific operation has occurred.
The EndOfRecordset event is triggered when you try to move to a record after the last record in a Recordset. This event can occur if the record pointer is at the end of the Recordset and the MoveNext method is called.
Tip: You can use this event to retrieve more records from a database and append them to the end of the Recordset, and then repeat the MoveNext call.
Note: Before this method returns, set the status parameter to adStatusUnwantedEvent to prevent subsequent notifications.
Parameter | Description |
moredata | A boolean value that if true it allows to append more data to the end of the Recordset |
status | An EventStatusEnum value that indicates the status of the execution of the event |
objrs | The name of the Recordset Object that triggered this event |
EventStatusEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adStatusOK | 1 | The operation that caused the event was successful |
adStatusErrorsOccurred | 2 | The operation that caused the event failed |
adStatusCantDeny | 3 | The operation that caused the event cannot be cancelled |
adStatusCancel | 4 | The operation that caused the event is cancelled |
adStatusUnwantedEvent | 5 | Prevents subsequent notifications before the event method has finished executing |