ADO CancelBatch Method

The CancelBatch method cancels a batch update. The Recordset must be in batch update mode when calling this method.
Since you do not know what the current record will be after calling this property, you will have to move to a known record. For example, you could call the MoveFirst or MoveLast method, after a call to this method.
If this method fails, the provider will not stop the execution, but it will send a warning to the Errors Collection.
objRecordset.CancelBatch affectrec
Parameter | Description |
affectrec | Optional. An AffectEnum value that indicates which records this method will affect |
AffectEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adAffectCurrent | 1 | Affects only the current record |
adAffectGroup | 2 | Affects only records that satisfy the Filter setting (Filter must be set to a FilterGroupEnum value or an array of Bookmarks) |
adAffectAll | 3 | Affects all records if there is no Filter. Affects only visible records in the current chapter if Filter is set to a string criteria. Affect all rows of the Recordset if Filter is set to a FilterGroupEnum value or an array of Bookmarks |
adAffectAllChapters | 4 | Affects all records in all child Recordset, including those hidden by a currently applied filter |