ADO Find Method

The Find method searches for a record in a Recordset that satisfies a specified criteria. If the search is successful, the record pointer will point to the first found record.
Note: A current row position (like MoveFirst) must be set before calling this method, otherwise an error will occur.
Parameter | Description |
criteria | Required. The column name, comparison operator, and value to use in the
Examples: "Country='Norway'" Note: This method does not support multi-column searches (AND or OR) |
skiprows | Optional. Specifies how many records beyond the current record to skip before beginning the search. Default is 0 |
direction | Optional. A SearchDirectionEnum value that specifies the search direction |
start | Optional. The starting position for the search |
SearchDirectionEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adSearchBackward | -1 | Searches backward from the starting position. Stops at the beginning of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the beginning of the Recordset |
adSearchForward | 1 | Searches forward from the starting position. Stops at the end of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the end of the Recordset |