ADO Save Method

The Save method saves a Recordset object to a file or a Stream object. When the save method is finished, the record pointer will point at the first record of the Recordset.
Note: If there is a filter applied to the Recordset, only the "filtered" records will be saved.
Note: This method can only be called on an open Recordset.
objRecordset.Save destination,persistformat
Parameter | Description |
destination | Optional. Specifies where to save the Recordset object; the path name of a file or a reference to a Stream object |
persistformat | Optional. A PersistFormatEnum value that specifies the format of the Recordset (XML or ADTG). Default is adPersistADTG |
You can save a Recordset in XML format:
set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Customers", conn
'Save the Recordset into a DOM tree
rs.Save xmldoc, 1
PersistFormatEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adPersistADTG | 0 | Saves in a Microsoft Advanced Data TableGram (ADTG) format. |
adPersistXML | 1 | Saves in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format |
adPersistADO | 1 | Saves in ADO's own Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. This value is the same as adPersistXML and is included for backwards compatibility |
adPersistProviderSpecific | 2 | The provider will persist the Recordset using its own format |