ADO Seek Method

The Seek method searches the index of a Recordset to find a record that matches the values specified in the keyvalues parameter. If there is a match, the pointer will point to the record specified by the seekoption parameter. If there is no match, the record pointer will be placed at the end of the Recordset.
Note: To use this method, the provider must support this method and the use of indexes on a Recordset (the Index property). Use the Supports method to determine whether the provider supports seek and indexes.
Note: Set the Index property to the desired index before executing this method.
Note: This method can only be used with server-side cursors (not supported when the CursorLocation property value is adUseClient).
Note: This method can only be used when the Recordset object was opened with the CommandTypeEnum value of adCmdTableDirect.
recordsetobj.Seek keyvalues,seekoption
Parameter | Description |
keyvalues | Required. An array of values to compare with the values in each column |
seekoption | Required. A SeekEnum value that specifies the type of seek |
SeekEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adSeekFirstEQ | 1 | Seeks the first key equal to keyvalues |
adSeekLastEQ | 2 | Seeks the last key equal to keyvalues |
adSeekAfterEQ | 4 | Seeks either a key equal to keyvalues or just after where that match would have occurred |
adSeekAfter | 8 | Seeks a key just after where a match with keyvalues would have occurred |
adSeekBeforeEQ | 16 | Seeks either a key equal to keyvalues or just before where that match would have occurred |
adSeekBefore | 32 | Seeks a key just before where a match with keyvalues would have occurred |