The Navigator Object

Navigator Object

The navigator object contains information about the browser.

Note: There is no public standard that applies to the navigator object, but all major browsers support it.

Navigator Object Properties

Property Description
appCodeName Returns the code name of the browser
appName Returns the name of the browser
appVersion Returns the version information of the browser
cookieEnabled Determines whether cookies are enabled in the browser
geolocation Returns a Geolocation object that can be used to locate the user's position
language Returns the language of the browser
onLine Determines whether the browser is online
platform Returns for which platform the browser is compiled
product Returns the engine name of the browser
userAgent Returns the user-agent header sent by the browser to the server

Navigator Object Methods

Method Description
javaEnabled() Specifies whether or not the browser has Java enabled
taintEnabled() Removed in JavaScript version 1.2. Specifies whether the browser has data tainting enabled