Input Submit formNoValidate Property
Find out if the form-data should be validated or not:
var x = document.getElementById("mySubmit").formNoValidate;
The result of x could be:
true // the form-data should not be
validated when submitted
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Definition and Usage
The formNoValidate property sets or returns whether the form-data should be validated or not, when submitted.
This property reflects the formnovalidate attribute.
When set to true, this property adds the "formnovalidate" attribute to the submit button, and specifies that the form-data should not be validated when submitted. This overrides the form's novalidate attribute.
Note: The formnovalidate attribute is new for the <input> element with type="submit" in HTML5.
Browser Support
The formNoValidate property is supported in all major browsers.
Note: The formNoValidate property is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions, or in Safari.
Return the formNoValidate property:
Set the formNoValidate property:
Property Values
Value | Description |
true|false |
Specifies whether the form-data should be validated or not (when
Technical Details
Return Value: | A Boolean, returns true if the form-data should not be validated, otherwise it returns false |
More Examples
Set the formNoValidate property:
document.getElementById("mySubmit").formNoValidate = false;
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Related Pages
HTML reference: HTML <input> formnovalidate attribute