SQL Server DATEDIFF() Function

Definition and Usage
The DATEDIFF() function returns the time between two dates.
Where startdate and enddate are valid date expressions and datepart can be one of the following:
datepart | Abbreviation |
year | yy, yyyy |
quarter | qq, q |
month | mm, m |
dayofyear | dy, y |
day | dd, d |
week | wk, ww |
weekday | dw, w |
hour | hh |
minute | mi, n |
second | ss, s |
millisecond | ms |
microsecond | mcs |
nanosecond | ns |
Now we want to get the number of days between two dates.
We use the following SELECT statement:
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'2014-06-05','2014-08-05') AS DiffDate
DiffDate |
61 |
Now we want to get the number of days between two dates (notice that the second date is "earlier" than the first date, and will result in a negative number).
We use the following SELECT statement:
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'2014-08-05','2014-06-05') AS DiffDate
DiffDate |
-61 |