XML DOM - The CDATASection Object

Try it Yourself - Examples
The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
createCDATASection() - Create a CDATA section node
The CDATASection object
The CDATASection object represents a CDATA section in a document.
A CDATA section contains text that will NOT be parsed by a parser. Tags inside a CDATA section will NOT be treated as markup and entities will not be expanded. The primary purpose is for including material such as XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.
The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is "]]>" - which indicates the end of the CDATA section. CDATA sections cannot be nested.
CDATASection Object Properties
Property | Description |
data | Sets or returns the text of this node |
length | Returns the length of the CDATA section |
CDATASection Object Methods
Property | Description |
appendData() | Appends data to the node |
deleteData() | Deletes data from the node |
insertData() | Inserts data into the node |
replaceData() | Replaces data in the node |
splitText() | Splits the CDATA node into two nodes |
substringData() | Extracts data from the node |